Live Well Program

Live Well is about Cintas caring about you and your family, giving you the tools and resources to live well. Whether you are just starting your wellness journey or if you are already living well, we have the resources and supports you need.

Being a Cintas partner is rewarding and says something special about you. You help us grow as a company and in return, we want to help you grow. That’s why Cintas provides you with a valuable array of benefits to reward your spirit―and help you and your family thrive.

Our Canadian Live Well program, while similar to the program launched in the U.S., was created specifically for Canadian partners.

Live Well is your one-stop-shop for wellness tips, resources and motivators to help you stay on track to a healthier you! We encourage you to invest in your health and take advantage of the wellness programs and resources at Cintas, including:

Live Well is your program! It will continue to evolve and grow as we add and improve resources, and your feedback is an invaluable part of this process. We’d love to hear your questions, comments, or suggestions.

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